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Dungeon World (Sage Kobold)One of the best supported RPGs is once again being offered by Bundle of Holding. Dungeon World is a rules light fantasy system based on the Apocalypse Engine. You can score the core book from Sage Kobold as well as a variety supplements starting at $5.95. You can bolster the number of PDFs by another ten for $14.62. Your purchase will also benefit Doctors Without Borders.

From Bundle of Holding:

Adventurer! The Dungeoneers have returned with the new Dungeon World Bundle +3, featuring the Apocalypse Engine tabletop roleplaying game Dungeon World from Sage Kobold Productions. Transplanting Vincent Baker’s Apocalypse World to fantasy, Dungeon World brings indie ideas to traditional dungeon crawls. Because it’s published under a Creative Commons license, many designers have helped make Dungeon World one of today’s best-supported indie RPGs.This new offer brings you many recent supplements and settings.

Like our two previous DW Bundles, this +3 offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $39) includes the core Dungeon World rulebook. For just US$5.95 you get the rulebook plus all these new supplements and adventures as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:

  • Great Monsters of Crime (Red Box Vancouver): Johnstone Metzger (The Nightmares Underneath, Adventures on Dungeon Planet) presents felonious creatures inhabiting a literal criminal underground.
  • 20 Dungeon Starters (Lampblack & Brimstone): Kick off your campaign with no preparation in 20 different ways.
  • Perilous Wilds (Lampblack): We presented this landmark DW environment supplement in our January 2016 Dungeon World Bundle +2. We bring it back to support the many new Perilous Wilds expansions in this offer’s Bonus Collection — see below!
  • Grim Hunt (Porcupine Publishing): Pursue an elven spy through a port city full of intrigue and betrayals.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $14.62, you’ll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with ten more titles worth an additional $71:

  • Three more Red Box Vancouver monster manuals: Space Wurm vs. Moonicorn, A Market in the Woods,and End of Known Space.
  • Five Lampblack & Brimstone excursions in the Perilous Wilds line: Perilous Deeps, A Book of Beasts, Mad Vandel’s Map Pack, Freebooters on the Frontier, and A Folio of Followers.
  • The Boughs (Sandy Pug Games): A campaign setting of the civilizations inside colossal trees in an infinite forest. Includes the Ranger of the Vast playbook.

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