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Justice Inc. (Hero Games)Bundle of Holding has a very interesting RPG PDF bundle available as it marks the first time many of these Hero Games titles have been available in PDF. Of course Hero is best known for their superheroes game Champions but the rules system has been utilized for many genres over the years and many are included in The Early Heroes System Bundle. I think this is a really cool bundle and one definitely worth checking out, while saving plenty of dough; I even owned some of these corebooks when they originally released decades ago.

From Bundle of Holding:

A two-headed Hero! This all-new Early Hero System Bundle is one of two offers, running in parallel, that bring you newly scanned .PDF ebooks featuring the early years (1981-87) of the tabletop roleplaying game lines from Hero Games. With this spectacular offer you can get all five of Hero’s non-superhero RPGs, together with all their supplements and adventures. These Hero System games are compatible with the many titles in our companion offer now in progress, Early Champions, which presents the three early editions of Champions, The Super Roleplaying Game. These two Hero offers make dozens of books available in .PDF for the first time anywhere.

For just US$12.95 you get all the complete standalone RPGs in this offer’s Game Collection (retail value $52.50) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks: Espionage!/Danger International (plus the introductory adventure “Merchants of Terror”), Fantasy Hero First Edition, Justice Inc., Star Hero First Edition, and Robot Warriors.

And if you pay more than this offer’s threshold price of $28.54, you’ll also get this offer’s Fantasy Hero First Edition (Hero Games)entire Supplement Collection with eleven supplements and adventures worth an additional $77.50:

  • Three Justice Inc. books: Aaron Allston’s pioneering lost-worlds campaign supplement Lands of Mysteryand the two-fisted pulp adventures Trail of the Gold Spike and The Adventure of the Jade Jaguar.
  • Five Espionage!/Danger International books: Border Crossing, Here There Be Tigers, Mugshots 2, SHADOW Over Scotland, and the Origins Award-winning campaign sandbox by Michael A. Stackpole, Stormhaven.
  • Three Fantasy Hero supplements: Mythic Greece: Age of Heroes, Magic Items, and The Spell Book.
  • The original version of the Hero System Bestiary, written for the pre-Fourth Edition rules. (We presented the 4E version of the Bestiary in our April 2017 Champions 4E Essentials offer.
  • Robot Gladiators, the sole supplement for Robot Warriors.

Ten percent of your purchase, minus gateway fees will be, split evenly between two charities the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

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