Title: Scarlet Citadel for 5E
Publisher: Kobold Press
Authors: Steve Winter with Wolfgang Baur, Scott Gable, and Victoria Jaczo
Artists: David Auden Nash, Jon Pintar, Miguel Regodón Harkness, Marcel Mercado, William O’Brien, Sam Perin, Florian Stitz, Bryan Syme, and Egil Thompson
Year: 2021
Genre: Old school styled Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying adventure
Pages: 202 pages
MSRP: $39.99 for the hardcover, $44.99 for the hardcover and PDF, or $24.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG
I share my thoughts about the new 5E Dungeons & Dragons adventure, Scarlet Citadel, from Kobold Press. Is this old school inspired dungeon delve a must have to add to your D&D adventure collection? Or will you find your face be turning scarlet in anger when you learn about the circumstances around getting the most out of this adventure? You’ll find out!
I recently picked this up along with the supplementary battlemaps pack, and whilst I like it very much, I do wish it had been more generic fantasy setting rather than Kobold Press’ own Zobeck / Midgard setting.
Ultimately what I do like about it is that it’s like a miniature mega-dungeon. So you get that old skool dungeon crawl campaign setting but you aren’t just endlessly going chamber to chamber fighting monsters.
The levels are each designed to fit on one or two standard-sized battlemaps (similar to the Paizo battlemaps) and they can be cleared in a couple sessions (depending on your group’s play style).
The chambers are well developed, detailed and evocative. The encounters are diverse and there is room for different tactics and play-styles.
None of the Kobold Press proprietary elements are overwhelming and I think its slightly unfair to suggest it would take a long time to rewrite them. Replace a monster or a noun here and there and you will be fine. Don’t most DMs do some personalising when they run campaign modules?
You’ll be replacing far more monsters than “here or there” throughout the adventure if you don’t own the Kobold monster books…
quel es le niveau des personnage
1st through 10th.
I purchased the Fantasy Grounds version and all of the monster stat blocks and tokens are available. If you wish to see an image of the monster you need other books from Kobold press.
Im in the middle on this product and have already converted it to the Forgotten Realms (changed Gods etc).
Not really interested in several books for a new setting. Probably last Kobold press product ill buy.