About the bundle:
Adventurer! This all-new Starfinder Empires Bundle presents tabletop roleplaying science-fantasy supplements and sourcebooks compatible with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing. Starfinder launches the Pathfinder rules system into a universe of futuristic fantasy adventure. These third-party supplements from Rogue Genius Games, Legendary Games, and Fat Goblin Games enhance any Starfinder campaign with new planets, aliens, starships, robots, monsters, magic, and adventures — all for an unbeatable bargain price.
(These third-party supplements require Paizo Publishing’s Starfinder core rulebook, which is not included in this offer. Paizo’s website offers several free Starfinder quickstart adventures.)
For just US$12.95 you get all four titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $66) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks, including the Rogue Genius Starfarer’s Companion rules expansion and its Blood Space and Moon Dust introductory adventure; Legendary’s Alien Bestiary, with nearly 300 monsters both classic and new; and Fat Goblin’s Cosmic Race Guidebook, with two dozen playable alien races.
And if you pay more than the threshold price of $25.59, you’ll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with seven more titles worth an additional $72, including the Star Empires Compendium (establish and run your own stellar empire); the Advanced Skill Guide; Service Bots and Synthetic Companions; three Blood Space Gazetteer worldbooks; and Pirates of the Starstream, a campaign sourcebook set in the buccaneer haven of 8-Pieces Port.