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Siege of Valeria (Daily Magic Games)Later this month Daily Magic Games is releasing the latest in their series of  Valeria fantasy games with Siege of Valeria. In the game, the player will look to defend their castle against multiple waves of monsters. Siege of Valeria is a solitaire game, for ages 10+, plays in around 30-45 minutes, and will carry an MSRP of $30.00 when it arrives on December 28th.

About the game:

Do you have what it takes to defend Valeria?

For more than a month, the monster-kin have surrounded your fortress at Valeria’s southern border with hordes of monsters and mighty engines of war. Your supplies are nearly exhausted but you’ve rallied your soldiers and holy troops to meet the foe’s latest surge. If you cannot break the siege in seven days, your fortress will fall and the southern border will crumble.

Siege of Valeria is a quick-playing survival game that tasks players with defending their castle from wave-after wave of monstrous enemies. You will use cards and dice to defeat the assault and It is vital that you find clever ways to combo your powers!

This game includes custom dice and art by The Mico.

Jeff McAleer

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