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Starfinder Society Year 7 Logo (Paizo Inc)Today, Paizo Inc announced the title and metaplot of year seven of the Starfinder Society. Entitled Year of Era’s End, the twelve month Starfinder campaign will kick off with an introductory adventure at PaizoCon 2024. It appears this will be a tale aimed at adventuring groups of all levels and no doubt segues into the upcoming second edition of the hit science fantasy roleplaying game. You can check out the Starfinder 2E playtest right here.

The announcement:

February 1st, 2024. [Woodinville, WA]: Today, Paizo announced the title and metaplot theme of Starfinder Society Year 7. With Starfinder Second Edition right around the corner—playtesting this fall—this season will be a bombastic end to Starfinder Society First Edition.

Welcome to the Year of Era’s End!

The Year of Era’s End is a time to celebrate the end of Starfinder First Edition! It’s a time to revisit old friends, capstone some of our most beloved ongoing storylines, and shine a spotlight on big, exciting events in the Starfinder setting—events that will change the course of the Pact Worlds now, and into the future for Starfinder Second Edition!

So whether someone is a veteran of the Starfinder Society, a newcomer who’s excited to get in on the game, or a fan looking to experience events that directly influence the upcoming Starfinder Second Edition, Paizo invites you to join them for the Year of Era’s End!

Starfinder Society Year 7 Art (Paizo Inc)While much of the Year of Era’s End is focused on closure and big exciting capstone events—events best suited for mid- to high-level play—the metaplot is focused on low-level play, to accommodate everyone who wants to get in on the game! But low level doesn’t mean low impact.

Under the watchful eye of newly elected First Seeker Sarmak, the Starfinder Society travels to the machine planet of Aballon to undertake an archaeological survey of the ancient city of Eternity—a fabled city of the First Ones! During this three-adventure metaplot, the Starfinders explore mysterious ruins, discover long-forgotten secrets about the First Ones, and clash with a violent faction of anacite extremists named Those Who Call.

The Year of Era’s End begins with Starfinder Society Intro: Year of Era’s End, an adventure for 1st- through 4th-level characters written by Letterio Mammoliti! This adventure debuts at PaizoCon 2024, alongside one other Starfinder Society Scenario that Paizo is keeping under wraps for now.

“I hope you join me in celebrating the final season of the Starfinder Society for Starfinder First Edition with the Year of Era’s End! Big changes are on the horizon… and you can be a part of it,” says Jessica Catalan, Starfinder Society Developer, “It’s going to be a year to remember.”

With the launch of Year of Era’s End, the following ancestries will become “always available” for Organized Play: barathu, borai, ghibrani, morlamaw, orc, and prismeni. This expands the player options for new and veteran players alike.

To learn more about the Year of Era’s End, tune into on February 2nd from 4–6 p.m. Pacific and watch this month’s PaizoLive!

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