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Strange Tales of The Painted Wastelands Passes 2900% Kickstarter Funding

Two interesting looking supplements for The Painted Wastelands roleplaying game setting, for Old-School Essentials, are up on Kickstarter from Agamemnon Press. The first, Strange Tales of The Painted Wastelands is a zine sized adventures filled with unusual challenges and unique NPCs. The second, The Painted Wastelands Player’s Guide is a softcover supplement aimed at introducing gamers to the setting. The project is over 2900% funded and you can reserve copies of both softcovers (with PDFs) for a $30.00 pledge or score just the PDFs for a $16.00 pledge through March 1. Expected delivery is August.

About the project:


We have wandered through strange lands and huffed the peculiar ectoplasmic smoke from the pipes of pilgrims. Tim Molloy and Chris Willett stumbled free from the outer reaches of the dreamlands and brought you something truly strange and new for OLD SCHOOL ESSENTIALS!

The Painted Wastelands returns with its first zine! Strange Tales of the Painted Wastelands is a bizarre adventure by John Leibee, bringing new locations that referees can deposit anywhere in their campaign. Explore the dimensional tourist trap of Tzuris Point, visit the Orbit and Go, and stay the night at the Marooner’s Campground, all of which are filled with new and strange NPCs to interact with. 

This Kickstarter also brings The Painted Wastelands Player’s Guide to print. This is a player-facing book designed to give players the tools they need to jump into the Painted Wastelands. This is an enticing and handsome book designed to get players excited to jump into a Painted Wastelands campaign without spoiling anything. 

This supplement includes some reprinted material from the Painted Wastelands and original material. This book comes with rules for new races, 3 classes (The Cat, The Oneiromancer, and the all-new Nightmare Slayer), Oneiromancer spells, new lore, new faiths, new equipment, and new vehicles. Get your players excited to dive right into the Painted Wastelands!

Jeff McAleer

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