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Symbaroum: Agrella – City of Eternal Euphoria is Out in PDF

Free League Publishing has released the latest entry for the dark fantasy Symbaroum roleplaying game. Agrella – City of Eternal Euphoria takes players deep into the city during the festival season while also providing a three part adventure campaign. The 176 page hardcover can be pre-ordered for $39.99 or grab the PDF right now at DriveThruRPG for $19.99.

About the adventure:

Her throat was burning, her whole body trembling.

Beyond the mouth of the alleyway, out on Windwalker Road, the Fire Parade passed by – Ordo Magica’s contribution to the festival of The Night Slaughter. The noise from the spectators was thunderous, though not loud enough to drown out the sound of her own hammering heart. Aria’s first mission as an agent of the Royal Sekretorium could have started better…

Then again, her instructions had been incredibly vague. According to Aria’s superiors, Agrella was the stage for clandestine operations orchestrated by enemies of the Crown, both foreign and domestic. The agents of these enemies, as well as their plans, must be thoroughly mapped, without prejudice and in utmost secrecy, without allowing the town’s elite to learn of the mission.

Hence, there she was, huddling in the dark alleyway, breathless after an escape that had started when she was discovered trying to infiltrate the archive of one of the City Collegiums. She sighed deeply at her own incompetence and made an effort to stand, but she didn’t get far.

A palm slammed over her mouth; cold steel pressed against her throat; she was dragged backwards, staggering.

“Got you!” someone hissed in her ear. “This festival season will go down in history, and you are not invited, snoop.” The knife’s edge cut through her skin like frigid ice as the voice added: “I’m sorry to say that you’ll miss out on a breathtaking, down-right world-shattering, spectacle…”


The festival season is drawing close in the city of eternal euphoria, and it will be a season like no other. On the surface, nothing seems out of the ordinary – jester troupes are honing their performances, brewers are refining their recipes, mask-makers are sketching out the year’s novelties, and among the population at large, excitement is rising every day. But nothing is as it should be; in reality, the threat against Agrella and its inhabitants has never been greater. The question is, will someone notice the lurking dangers in time to avert the looming catastrophe?


  • The campaign The Outrage of Betrayed Brethren with the adventures Intrigue, Assassination, and Chaos, offering the gaming group a tumultuous experience of how fantastically fearsome Agrella’s festivals can be.A thorough overview of Agrella’s history, activities, factions and conflicts, meant to be read by both players and Game Masters.
  • Color maps of the city and a pair of adventure locations, in addition to over a dozen maps within the book.
  • A large number of establishments where the player characters can eat, rest, party, search in archives and visit local dignitaries.
  • A chapter for the Game Master, featuring hidden conspiracies and plot hooks that may be developed into exciting adventures.

Note that this book requires access to Symbaroum’s Core Rulebook, and that it does not come into its own without the Advanced Player’s Guide, Game Master’s Guide and Monster Codex.

Jeff McAleer

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