Title: Symbaroum Starter Set – Treasure Hunts in Davokar
Publisher: Free League Publishing
Authors: Mattias Johnsson Haake and Mattias Lilja
Artists: Martin Grip and Lars Strömqvist
Year: 2021
Genre: Dark fantasy roleplaying game
Pages: 128 pages total
Price: $39.99 for the boxed set; $9.99 for the PDF at DriveThruRPG
I share my thoughts about the new Symbaroum Starter Set: Treasure Hunts in Davokar from Free League Publishing. The boxed set includes two 64 page books, pre-gen characters, two dual-sided maps, and dice. Is this an excellent introduction to a dark fantasy world? Or should you take your hunt for roleplaying adventure elsewhere?
10:00 Looking at the Setting & Adventures book
13:36 The pre-gens, dice, and maps
17:08 Final thoughts and review score
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