Publisher: Britannia Game Designs Ltd
Authors: Stephen Turner, Francis Tiffany, Andy Staples, Colin D. Speirs, A.R.Cowley, and David Blewitt
Artists: Gordon Napier, Andrew Hepworth, and Dave Bezzina
Year: 2019
Genre: Realistic high fantasy roleplaying game set during a fictional Middle Ages
Pages: 600 pages
MSRP: $75.00 for the full color hardcover or $29.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG
I share my review of the fifth edition of the venerable fantasy roleplaying game Chivalry & Sorcery from Britannia Game Designs Ltd. The game offers a fantastical Middle Ages setting aimed at providing a sense of realism to combat, magick, skill use, and more.
Is Chivalry & Sorcery as complex and dense as people say? You’ll find out!