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Iceland Kickstarter
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Z-Man Games has a big title on the horizon carrying the moniker Clash of Cultures and its set for a November U.S. release. This elaborate Euro-style game, designed by Christian Marcussen, is being touted as having an epic scope similar to Avalon Hill’s Civilization. Two to four players will set out to develop civilizations from meager settlements to mighty empires.  Players have to explore their surroundings, create their cities, explore new technical advances and perhaps defeat the rising civilizations created by opposing players. Gameplay should clock in around four hours with a full compliment of players as the period gamed runs from the first founding of organized settlements through the invention of gunpowder.

48 distinct technical civilization advances are featured and players can shape development of cities by investing resources in various areas (creating ports, academies, or temples are just a few examples). Players can advance their civilizations in a number of different categories including agriculture, construction, education, warfare, economics, spirituality, culture, science, and trade. Each player will have a variety of ways to earn points such as founding and growing cities, making advances, and creating new wonders.

Clash of Cultures includes: 20 region tiles, 8 dice, 4 player boards, 4 player aids, a turn track, 119 cards, 7 wonder pieces, over 120 tokens, 250 miniatures and a rulebook. The MSRP is$79.99.

From Z-Man:

Designed by Christian Marcussen

Transform a meager settlement into a mighty empire whose culture will be your greatest achievement!

To accomplish this, you will have to invent new technologies, build grand cities, and spread the influence of your culture accross your enemies’ borders. You will need to explore the lands and seas with your settlers and ships, and conquer foreign cities and
barbarian settlements.

With 12 Advance categories, including various government types, a modular game board, superb city-pieces, and more, Clash of Cultures offers a myriad of experiences to accomplish your ultimate goal: be the one ruling culture, the one that will be remembered and admired for thousands of years.

Will you be the leader of this great culture?




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