About the book:
Enter a world where empires stand on the brink of war, and terrible monsters tear at the fragile borderlands of men; where decaying cities teem with chaos and corruption, weeping innocents are sacrificed to chthonic cults and nobles live in decadent pleasure while the realm burns; where heroes, wizards, and rogues risk everything in pursuit of glory, fortune, and power. This is a world where adventurers can become conquerors — and conquerors can become kings!
The Adventurer Conqueror King System Imperial Imprint (ACKS II) is the new edition of the acclaimed bestselling fantasy role-playing game. It offers everything you need to enjoy epic fantasy campaigns with a sweeping scope. Whether you want to crawl through dungeons, experiment with alchemy, crossbreed monsters, run a merchant emporium, raise an undead legion, or conquer an empire, ACKS II supports your playstyle. The ACKS II Revised Rulebook features:
- 18 character classes, each with 8 quick-start templates featuring pre-selected proficiencies, spells, equipment, and encumbrance that let you start playing in minutes!
- 110 proficiencies carefully selected to help you customize your character to your taste without risk of skill traps, min-max chains, or feat taxes.
- 378 spells carefully calibrated for long campaigns that ascend from dungeon delves to pitched battles with armies. Magic doesn’t have to make a game world implausible or unbalanced anymore!
- Dungeon delving mechanics that let your adventurers interact with the subterranean environment by spelunking, rappelling, traversing, and more.
- Wilderness expedition rules that bring the challenges and dangers of the wild to life, including mechanics for wilderness survival, inclement weather, and more.
- Sea voyage and naval warfare system with mechanics for boarding, grappling, ramming, rowing, sailing, and siege weapons.
- Combat mechanics that play like a realistic simulation of ancient hand-to-hand battle at low levels and a cinematic emulation of the legendary exploits of demigods and heroes at high levels.
- Stronghold and domain rules that allow you to establish domains, rule realms, take vassals, establish a senate, and more.
- Hijinks and hideout rules that let high-level thieves run their own criminal guild or spy network, dispatching their ruffians to racketeer, smuggle, surveil, and steal.
- Magic research mechanics that go beyond spell design and magic item manufacture. Crossbreed monsters, construct golems, practice necromancy, and engage in magical experiments with unforeseeable consequences.
- Mercantile venture system that let you set up a trade routes, build and manage caravans and merchant fleets, start and run businesses, engage in moneylending, and more.
- Mass combat mechanics, with scalable rules for raising and organizing armies ranging from dozens to hundreds of thousands of soldiers, maneuvering them on the strategic theater, maintaining lines of supply, and fighting pitched battles and sieges.
- And much, much more!
I have my eye on ACKS II now, thanks to your coverage of it in your Daily Dispatch show on YouTube. Hope you’ll decide to review this one in the near future.