From Chaosium:
This week Chaosium marks the second anniversary of the passing of Greg Stafford, the company founder and its original creative visionary. With the hashtag #WeAreAllUs, we commemorate Greg as one of the greatest game designers of all time; winner of too many awards to count; and a friend, mentor, guide, and inspiration to generations of gamers.
While Greg Stafford’s influence on the universe of tabletop gaming is beyond measure, he considered the King Arthur Pendragon RPG his masterpiece. And this year for #WeAreAllUs, we salute Greg’s magnum opus with a free sneak peek of the 6th Edition core rules and an accompanying scenario, The Adventure of the Great Hunt, originally outlined by Greg way back in 1991 and presented here in print for the first time.
Greg started work on the new edition ten years ago. Since that time, it has gone through multiple development phases and is at last nearly ready for its public debut. He called this, and always intended it to be, his “ultimate edition” and we are proud to see it finally coming to fruition.
“Pendragon veterans will find that the fundamentals of the game remain the same, with subtle modifications reflecting the culmination of nearly three decades’ refinement of Greg’s vision of Arthurian fantasy”, said Pendragon line editor David Larkins.
For newcomers to Pendragon, everything you need to experience the Pendragon system is here in The Adventure of the Great Hunt: the core rules, a scenario playable in a single session, and six pre-generated characters.