About the book:
Barbarians of Lemuria (or “BoL”) is a heroic roleplaying game set firmly in the sword-and-sorcery genre. Lemuria is a post-apocalyptic world of thousands of years into the future and unrecognisable to anyone today. It has returned to an almost prehistoric state – a land of steaming jungles, vast untamed wildernesses, horror-filled swamplands, and sun-baked deserts. Massive man-eating beasts roam the unexplored regions of Lemuria and beyond, from island-sized sea serpents capable of sinking war galleys, to the huge jungle-dwelling dinosaurs that can swallow a man whole.
Central to this harsh world are sprawling cities that teem with merchants, craftsmen, sailors and cutpurses. All types of people ply their trades in the squares, plazas, bazaars and docksides under the shadows of the city walls. Great palaces, temples and towers have been built to house nobles, soldiers, priests and wizards, who safeguard those within the city walls from the dangers without.
Scattered around the untamed regions are the ancient ruins of temples, cities, tombs and palaces. These haunted structures lie toppled and cracked, choked with weeds and undergrowth, untouched and awaiting discovery. Vast treasures perhaps remain within their shadowed halls and silent corridors.
It is a place of saga and legend, epic and myth. Hrangarth the Blade-Bearer and his descendants created many of these sagas by their deeds and adventures. However, Lemuria is a mighty continent, and there are plenty more adventures to be had, and legends to be created!
Barbarians of Lemuria is a rules-lite roleplaying game, simple but elegant (all you need are two six-sided dice), that allows for freedom of action and encourages free interpretation by the players, so that they can live epic adventures. It is easy to get started, and will quickly win over both beginners and experienced players alike. Barbarians of Lemuria should be fast and heroic – full of action, sorcery and swordplay. To emulate this, a simple set of rules is needed, so the game does not bog down in unnecessary detail.