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World of Darkness at DriveThruRPG
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Third Kingdom Games has released the BX Advanced Bestiary Volume Two in print and PDF. This volume includes entries from E through K which will bring fresh approaches to your Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy creatures and critters. The 137 page hardcover carries an MSRP of $23.95, softcover an MSRP of $18.95, or grab just the PDF for $9.95 at DriveThruRPG.

About the book:

This book takes the monster entries from E-K in the Old-School Essentials Classic book and expands upon them, with new rules, variants, and monsters based upon that theme. It will be available as a pdf, POD soft and hardcover, and as an offset book – available through the author’s website.

From efreet to killer bee, this book takes a look at each monster from OSE/BX, examines alternate rules and options, provides some suggestions for variants as well as magical items that can be created from the creatures’ remains, and introduces 3-4 new monsters per category based upon the monster’s theme. This book also includes two playable race-as-class options — the awakened giant ferret and loxen (psionic elephant-folk) — new spells, a brief introduction to psionics, and more.

Jeff McAleer

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