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TDDFeatAs long as I get the show uploaded before midnight – my time – I still count it as clocking it in on the calendar. 🙂 Ok, so sue me… I took my mom out to dinner so I didn’t get home until quite a bit later than normal…

Today there’s news from Dice Hate Me Games, Collins Epic Wargames, Eden Studios, Wizards of the Coast, as well as Chris Ayala’s review of Bootleggers from Eagle Games.

Download the news to take on the go right here.

And don’t forget, The Daily Dope is available on iTunes.

Also add the podcast feed to your favorite aggregator or app with this link.


  1. I’m happy to have Jeff putting out podcasts again. I visited his former cohosts site and watched about ten minutes of a few shows and I just couldn’t handle listening to the stupid voices he tosses out there when he’s quoting people. At least Jeff shows some self respect!

  2. I think the Voice of E is complete shit. I’, glad Elliot quit because he always sounded like a dumb ass anyway.

  3. Jeff do you know Elliott is presenting video he shot as a member of TGG as if they’re VoE videos? He’s editing out The Gaming Gang and trying to pawn off the voice of idiotic was around a lot longer than it has. Don’t you own the copyright on those videos?

  4. I think Jeff missed his calling by not being a DJ. I love the music he’s adding to his show.

  5. Can Elliot just go around posting videos as his new show when they were recorded for this website? Isn’t that misleading people?

  6. Personally gang, I’m not overly concerned with what Elliott does with most of the videos since he shot them. There may be some I edited for him but I haven’t looked over his channel so I don’t know what he’s posted as I have more important things to occupy my time. Granted, I do think presenting the vids as if he had attended the events representing his VofE site rather than the reality of being there because of TGG smacks me as a bit skeevy, but I don’t really think Elliott cares too much about credibility anymore anyway…

    Those will be my last comments on the topic and Elliott is free to do whatever he’d like because he’ll never contribute to TGG again as long as I’m around.

  7. I don’t think so, you can call a video on a site a ‘show’ . Maybe webcast…


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