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Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Accursed Heart of the World Ender (Goodman Games)Arriving today in PDF is a zero level, funnel adventure which was set to be the 2020 Dungeon Crawl Classics convention module. Since it looks as if we won’t be seeing a convention season in 2020 due to COVID-19, Goodman Games has released The Accursed Heart of the World Ender at DriveThruRPG. The 12 page adventure is available for $6.99. Personally though, as much as I think it’s very cool the con module is available, seven bucks for twelve pages is pretty ridiculous…

From Goodman Games:

A Level 0 Adventure

There is more to this motley group of pilgrims than meets the eye. It is foretold that one of them is descended from the royal bloodline, and is thus the legitimate king of a war-torn nation desperate for leadership.

They who can draw forth the Seven-Tree Spear shall be named king, but are forces more sinister than any earthly imagined at play?

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