Oh, and don’t forget Dice Hate Me isn’t just making games but they’re a full fledged news, reviews, and podcast site just like little ol’ us so you better be out there visiting them too! And we’ll bring you more info on the the game as it becomes available!
From Dice Hate Me:
Alright, it’s time to load up and put the hammer down, ’cause Dice Hate Me Games has another great game headed your way! We’re proud to announce that game designer Jason Kotarski will be joining the DHMG family with his crafty cubes and cards game, The Great Heartland Hauling Co.
In The Great Heartland Hauling Co. players take on the role of medium haul Midwest truck drivers doing their best to make a living by hauling goods for big suppliers. Players truck to various locations around America’s Heartland, picking up and dropping off goods using matching cards from their hands. Most locations have native goods that require fewer cards to load; other locations may pay a premium for those goods but may also require more fuel – and time – to get there with the cargo. With limited space in each trailer and only five cards in hand at a time, players will have to expertly manage their resources, as well as play the odds and press their luck to be the best trucker on the road.
We’ll be sharing a lot more about Heartland in the next few weeks as we ramp up for a late july Kickstarter campaign. We have a lot of cool art to show off, more game play to dig into and the story of how Jason came up with the game – and how we met Jason. Stay tuned, it’s going to be an exciting summer!