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On this episode I page through the OSE adventure The Mirror of Malatesto from Twelve Strand Media and Exalted Funeral. The tale is written by Marc Star with artwork provided by Del Teigeler, Chris Malec, William McAusland, Andy Paciorek, Hagan Man. The 82 page digest sized softcover (with PDF) is available for $18.00 or grab just the PDF alone at DriveThruRPG for $9.99. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news from Modiphius Entertainment, Salt and Pepper Games, Atarashi Games, Atlas Games, Lucid Eye Publications, and more.

6:50 Tabletop Gaming news of the day
30:50 Two contests and a brief intermission
47:57 Taking a look at The Mirror of Malatesto for OSE
1:04:10 Wrapping up

Jeff McAleer

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