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The Tokyo:Otherscape setting book has landed from Son of Oak Game Studio. The volume includes the all of the info to get you started in the cyberpunk roleplaying world of :Otherscape. The 320 page hardcover (with PDF) can be pre-ordered for an MSRP of $44.95 – currently on sale for $39.95 – or grab just the PDF alone right now at DriveThruRPG for $29.95.

About the book:

Kitsune powerbrokers. Oni gangsters. Kami assassins.

Step into the neon-lit torii gate and discover a Tokyo where tech and myth blend and clash in a battle for humanity’s future.

Tokyo:Otherscape is a setting book for the :Otherscape role-playing game that provides the MC and players with everything they need to jump right into a game on the dangerous, haunted streets of the Tokyo Megacity.

In this fictional dystopian Tokyo, rogue AIs, nanotech disasters, greedy zaibatsus, and Yakuza intertwine with oni, kami, yōkai, onmyōji, and other supernatural beings of Japanese legend.


//TOKYO MEGACITY — Setting Information including trends, locations, organizations, a guide to local Mythoi, unique tech, language glossary, and more. 

//BUSHI/LIFE — New Player Options with dozens of new theme kits and Specials for playing Tokyo Megacity characters such as an otaku Neo-Samurai, a wasteland-dwelling Yamabushi, or a kitsune powerbroker, as well as a rich Tokyo Street Catalog of weapons, augmentations, drones, and magical Sources.

//YŌKAI DATABASE — A Database of Yōkai with 60 ready-to-use Challenges and Power Sets from the Megacity, focusing on supernatural beings prowling the streets, integrated into cyberspace, and operating in the criminal underworld, as well as non-yōkai adversaries.

//KEY PLAYERS — Ten fleshed-out factions and subcultures for your PCs to fight, negotiate with, or join, including a sun-powered Taiyō SolarTech, the age-old Bureau of Onmyō, the magic-wielding Yakuza clans, the Oni Motorcycle Gangs and more. Each faction has its own Challenges, theme kits, and catalog.

//JOBS BULLETIN — A Collection of Jobs (Adventures) with five short jobs set in iconic Tokyo Megacity locations (hi-tech dream therapy clinic, cyberspace bullet train, nanotech disaster ruins, yōkai-infested flooded tunnels, and gang-run bathhouse) as well as a full length job – A Bridge Too Far – where your crew will be pitted against otherworldly forces and faced with a transcendental transhumanist dilemma that could impact the future of the entire Megacity.

Jeff McAleer

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