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Creator Luka Rejec is giving away the Vastlands Guidebook: Bootleg Beta – early release PDF for free. You can score the 184 page guide to the synthetic dream machine worlds by way of Exalted Funeral or Luka’s Patreon page.

About the PDF:

Characters, rules, equipment, and powers for the Ultraviolet Grasslands and Our Golden Age and other games in the synthetic dream machine.

For everyone at the table: the player who referees the game and the players who run the characters.

Rules loose, psychedelic metal roleplay in the Vastlands at the edge of time and space.

Welcome, curious explorer, to the Vastlands. To a time beyond the end of time. Here, in the heart of the world, is the Circle Sea, the pond of panhumanity surrounded by polychrome lands. An overgrown garden of humanity, here neat, there feral, sprawling out of sight of its absentee Builders, safely kept by the inscrutable might of its warden angels, the Phylakes.

There, to the west, the psychedelic Ultraviolet Grasslands stretch beyond the edge of civilization and its faded histories, a deep, vast, mythic steppe littered with the detritus of time and space and memory. Safe travels at the end of time, beyond the edge of the last safe world.

Jeff McAleer

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