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The Basic Fantasy Field Guide Volume Two (The Basic Fantasy Project)The Basic Fantasy roleplaying game has two newly updated supplements now available for free on DriveThruRPG. Enjoy more than 350 monsters between with the Field Guide Volume One and Volume Two for the old school fantasy roleplaying game. Each volume is absolutely free.

About the books:

Need a few more monsters? You’ve come to the right place! This two volumes of the Basic Fantasy Field Guide series contain over 350 creatures for use with the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game. From ordinary animals to extradimensional intruders, this book contains something for almost any game!

Challenge your players with alien Eelbats or deadly Clockwork Skeletons. Populate your wildernesses with stalwart Chelonians or the wily Rabbit Prince. Perhaps the next tomb your players raid will house a powerful Bone Horror! These and many more weird, wonderful, and wicked creatures lurk within this book.

Your players may face horrific Black Knights or Dread Horsemen, or be toyed with by Frost Fairies or Wretchlings. There may be Paper Tigers lurking in a wizard’s library, or Hivelings infesting the forest nearby. New Dragons, Infernals, and Nazgoreans await within these pages, along with more terrors and tribulations to challenge your players.

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