On tonight’s Thanksgiving Eve edition, I share first looks at both the Vinyl: Jukebox Edition and Vinyl: Season’s Greetings from Talon Strikes Studios. The Jukebox Edition is for two players, ages 14+, plays in around 30 minutes, and carries an MSRP of $30.00. Vinyl: Holiday Edition is for two to four players, ages 14+, plays in around 45 to 60 minutes, and carries an MSRP of $25.00. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news from Adventure a Week Games, Two Little Mice, Daily Magic Games, Free League Publishing, Bundle of Holding, and more!
6:15 Tabletop gaming news of the day
24:35 Random musings and a brief intermission
48:05 Taking a look at Vinyl: Jukebox
1:07 Peeking into Vinyl: Season’s Greetings
1:27:20 Wrapping up