About the adventure:
‘A rather unusual opportunity has arisen, and one not likely to repeat itself. A remnant of an Aeldari Titan has been uncovered on Nethreus — a Sonic Lance, and the pilot of the Titan that wielded it. This makes the Aeldari in question a rare commodity — one that Ul-Khari would dearly love to recover.’
Pilgrims of the Wastes is a short adventure for Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory that takes place on the perilous planet of Nethreus, transporting a rare Aeldari prisoner aboard the titanic Land Train Kroprion — all while sinister forces close in from all sides to stop the fated prisoner from reaching her destination. The Agents will face savage Ork raiders, Aeldari machinations, and a fanatical sect of the Ministorum, all against the backdrop of the vicious ash-storms and rampaging megafauna of Nethreus!
But even with all the dangers without, perhaps the greatest comes from within. Gálanta the Lost, the Aeldari steersman who the Agents must deliver, doesn’t intend on going quietly — as she has plans of her own…
Designed for a party of Tier 2 or 3 Agents, Pilgrims of the Wastes can be run as a standalone adventure, or integrated into a larger campaign as part of the power struggles between the Varonius Flotilla and Craftworld Ul-Khari.