Title: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Power Behind the Throne
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment
Authors: Graeme Davis, Dave Allen, and Pádraig Murphy
Artists: Mauro Alocci, Giuditta Betti, Emilio R. Camarena, JB Casacop, Domenico Cava, Federica Costantini, Davide De Bellis, Antonio De Luca, Pasi Juhola, Jonathan O’Donoghue, Daniele Di Parma, Max FitzGerald, Ralph Horsley, Dániel Kovács, Victor Leza, and Yugin Maffio
Year: 2020
Genre: The third chapter in The Enemy Within Director’s Cut campaign
Pages: 158 pages
Price: $39.99 for the hardcover or in PDF for $19.99
I share my thoughts on the third chapter The Enemy Within Directors Cut, for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, from Cubicle 7 Entertainment. Is this a real highlight of The Enemy Within campaign? Or does Power Behind the Throne suffer from a power outage? You’ll find out!
15:03 Final thoughts and the review score
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