Bolt Action pre-orders shipped early! Woot! I have my copy right here and it’s an excellent piece of work from Warlord and Osprey Publishing.
From Warlord:
As part of our commitment to support key wargames shows between now and the official launch date of 20th September we’ve managed get hold of a few hundred advance copies of the rulebook from our mates at Osprey Publishing – they are the book’s publishers and guardians of the sacred release dates after all. This means that we can send out pre-orders to those who have already committed to Bolt Action by placing a pre-order. We really appreciate those of you who have confidence in Warlord Games and Osprey Publishing to place a pre-order – we love you! On the other hand, those of you who haven’t voted with your feet yet are going to have to wait a while longer…
We expect pre-orders to be sent out some time next week although it may be a few days longer than that – we’ll send them on their way just as soon as we can. Of course, you’ll also be receiving your free ‘Never Surrender!’ miniature as part of your pre-order.
We mentioned that we will be supporting set shows by having the rulebook (again in limited quantities) on sale. these shows are Historicon in Fredericksburg, Virginia on 19th-22nd July (on the Osprey stand only), Gen Con in Indianapolis on 16th-19th August and Operation Market Garden at the Sheraton Hotel and Reed Centre, Oklahoma City on 25th August. Get to the Osprey or Warlord stands as early as you can – these books are going to fly off the shelves.