Folks who’ll be heading to one of the premiere U.K. miniature conventions, Salute 2016, should be pleased to find a special West Wind Productions mini in their goodie bag. Designed for the Empire of the Dead game system, Mamselle is ready to start blasting away with her massive sniper rifle.
From West Wind:
Here at West Wind we are proud to announce that this year we have been chosen to design and produce the official Salute 2016 show miniature.
The Steampunk theme is right up our street! If you are attending Salute 2016 you will receive the lovely Mamselle miniature in your show goodie bag.
Check out our website for Mamselle’s stats, free to download after the Show. Mamselle can be used in our Victorian Steam Punk Gothic game, Empire of the Dead and she will be making an appearance in our Empire of the Dead demo game opposite the West Wind stand.