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You Are the Hero 40th Anniversary Edition (Ace Game Books)The classic Fighting Fantasy game books are the subject of a new edition of You Are the Hero currently up for funding on Kickstarter for Ace Game Books. This famed RPG book series marks its 40th anniversary and this volume will detail the history. you can reseerve a copy of the softcover for a $39.00 pledge or get the eBook for a $12.00 pledge through November 7th.

About the book:

The first two YOU ARE THE HERO books covered everything from how Steve Jackson and Sir Ian Livingstone met at school, the founding of Games Workshop in 1975, the publication of the first Fighting Fantasy gamebook, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain in 1982, and how the FF books grew to become a global brand, right through to the re-imagining of the original adventures as iPhone apps and the 35th anniversary celebrations in 2017 that culminated with the publication of Sir Ian Livingstone’s The Port of Peril by Scholastic UK.

The new 40th anniversary edition will combine material from the first two out-of-print volumes with chapters covering the years 2017-2022, completing the 40 year history of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks. On top of that, it will be structured in a similar way to a gamebook; as well as reading it through from cover to cover, you will be able to jump between chapters and paragraphs depending on the options offered in the text. And to make it fully interactive, the PDF copy of the book will be hyperlinked.

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