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ChangeOne thing in life you can be sure of is change. A lot of times change is good and I’m one of those sorts of people who is always looking to do something differently even if everything is going swimmingly; I believe in the old adage of successful businesses: If it ain’t broke, break it. This doesn’t mean completely abandoning what’s gotten you where you are but always looking to tweak and improve while even taking a new direction. So as for the first post with our new web design I thought I’d mention what’s going to be a bit different or what I’ve been working on here at TGG.

First off the new site style is going to much friendlier to our visitors. That doesn’t mean our content is changing but the overall operation on the back end of The Gaming Gang is going to improve. The previous design tended to take a lot longer to load than I would have liked (even with a multitude of tweaks in the design and our server) and there were times the loading of the site led me to pull my hair out so I can only imagine what visitors had to deal with. Also, just getting content onsite could be a hassle simply because of slow downs so I believe this new design will work a whole lot better! Folks will have to let me know if the site is loading faster from their locations.

Alongside the redesign there are also some additional features I’ve included to the new look TGG. You’ll find more tie-ins to social media – mainly Facebook – and this gives people the opportunity to share and recommend whatever they made find here with their friends without having to jump through a lot of hoops. That wasn’t always the case before. Sure, the focus is more on Facebook than other social platforms but even with the various other avenues we previously had taken the real referral traffic for first time visitors came through search engines and FB… Obviously our audience already knows they can learn about the latest through Twitter and FB but the new styling will make it even easier than ever. Also, since over 30% of our visitors are stopping by from countries in which English is not the native tongue a much more robust translation process is in order. To better serve the people who enjoy coming to TGG not only will they be able to translate the site on the fly but over forty languages will be available for our articles in the future.

In addition to making the website as user friendly as possible, you’ll be seeing a lot more content from a lot more contributors. You should see approximately ten people writing for the site by the end of March and I’m always on the look out for more folks who want to get into the “gang”! More articles, more opinions, more of what you stop by to visit for on a daily basis is on the way!

Stay tuned as there’s loads of goodness on the horizon!

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