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A Life Well Lived for 5E Reviewed

Title: A Life Well Lived for 5E

Publisher: Cubicle 7 Games

Authors: Emmet Byrne, Alex Cahill, Josh Corcoran, Hannah-Lital Goldfinch, Eleanor Hingley, Pádraig Murphy, Ross Parkinson, Samuel Poots, and Ryan Wheeldon

Artists: Oleksii Chernik, Runesael Flynn, Daria Klushina, Dániel Kovács, Elsa Kroese, Andrew Lowry, Sam Manley, Tumo Mere, Clara-Marie Morin, Brendan Murphy, JG O’Donoghue, George Patsouras, Ilya Royz, Gareth Sleightholme, and Matias Trabold Rehren

Year: 2024

Genre: 5E Dungeons & Dragons supplement to create interesting backstories and deeper downtime experiences

Pages: 144 pages

MSRP: $39.99 for the box set or $27.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG

I kick back with my review of the 5E D&D supplement A Life Well Lived from Cubicle 7 Games. The book includes new lifepath background generation, downtime activities, patrons, and even options to make your player character’s retirement more interesting. Does this book provide loads of interesting options for your 5E PCs? Or is it simply a bunch of randomness? You’ll find out!

Jeff McAleer

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    A Life Well Lived for 5E Reviewed

    There's a lot of interesting content in A Life Well Lived and I'm sure most D&D players and Dungeon Masters will find it valuable. I just don't happen to focus very much on a lot of downtime activities or building backstories away from the gaming table. I can certianly recommend the volume and I'm sure everyone's milage is going to vary.

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