Title: Alien: The Roleplaying Game – Destroyer of Worlds
Publisher: Free League Publishing
Author: Andrew E.C. Gaska
Artists: Martin Grip, Gustaf Ekelund, and Christian Granath
Year: 2020
Genre: Science Fiction/Horror adventure in the world of Alien
Pages: 88 pages
Price: $29.99 for the boxed set or $14.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG
I dive into the latest cinematic adventure Destroyer of Worlds, for Alien: The Roleplaying Game, from Free League Publishing. Is this yet another glorious day in the core? Or should we avoid this completely and nuke it from orbit? You’ll find out.
8:29 Paging through the adventure
14:28 Peeking at the various cards
18:48 Final thoughts and review score
Founder/Editor-in-chief of The Gaming Gang website and host of The Gaming Gang Dispatch and other TGG media, Jeff tackles any and all sorts of games but has a special fondness for strategy, conflict sims, and roleplaying games. Plus, he's certainly never at a loss for an opinion...
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