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ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game – Building Better Worlds Reviewed

ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game - Building Better Worlds (Free League Publishing)Title: ALIEN The Roleplaying Game – Building Better Worlds

Publisher: Free League Publishing

Authors: Andrew E.C. Gaska and Dave Semark with Tomas Härenstam

Artists: Martin Grip, Eelco Sebring, and Gustaf Ekelund

Year: 2023

Genre: Supplement for ALIEN: The Roleplaying game focused on planetary exploration and colonization

Pages: 292 pages

MSRP: $44.99 for the hardcover (with PDF) or $19.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG

I kick back to share my review of Building Better Worlds, for Alien: The Roleplaying Game, from Free League Publishing. The volume focuses on exploration and colonization wile including the history of colonial planets, a lengthy sandbox campaign, numerous expeditions, play creation options, gear, and more.

Be sure to enter the contest to win one of two copies of Building Better Worlds in PDF!

Jeff McAleer

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    ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game – Building Better Worlds Reviewed

    While I think the adventuring portion of Building Better Worlds is excellent, I found the player character options, gear, vehicles, and bestiary portions of the volume to be rather lacking. The sandbox campaign and various expeditions look like they should be a blast, so I certainly recommend the supplement but not as highly as I'd hoped.

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