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Blade Runner: The Roleplaying Game Core Rules | Review and Page-Through

Blade Runner: The Roleplaying Game (Free League Publishing)Game Title: Blade Runner – The Roleplaying Game Core Rules

Publisher: Free League Publishing

Authors: Tomas Härenstam and Joe LeFavi

Artists: Martin Grip, Gustaf Ekelund, and Christian Granath

Year: 2022

Genre: Roleplaying game set in the world of the Blade Runner films

Pages: 234 pages

MSRP: $49.99 for the hardcover or $24.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG

I give you my thoughts about the new core rulebook for Blade Runner: The Roleplaying Game. Should you be clamoring to get this corebook nearly as much as you would electric sheep? Or is this the equivalent of a malfunctioning replicant in need of retirement? You’ll find out!

1:40 Diving into the Blade Runner: The Roleplaying Game Core Rules
23:10 Final thoughts and review score
27:14 Wrapping up

Jeff McAleer

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    Blade Runner: The Roleplaying Game Core Rules | Review and Page-Through

    I think many gamers will be pleased with this highly anticipated RPG. Personally, I do think the Starter Set will be a more satisfying purchase than the corebook for gamers mainly due to the adventure, all the handouts, decks of cards, and other goodies to assist in playing as well as deepening the player immersion. The core rules and Starter Set have a lot of overlap as well. I'm happy to see far more background and setting info in the core rules although I'm very disappointed in the fact there's no introductory adventure in the book; It feels Free League is practically forcing gamers to purchase both products. Still, I certainly do recommend the core rules though not as highly as the Starter Set.

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