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Call of Cthulhu: Journal d’Indochine, Volume One Reviewed

Title: Call of Cthulhu – Journal d’Indochine Volume One

Publisher: Sons of the Singularity

Authors: Francis Acquarone, Patrick Chandler, Jason Sheets, and Jesse Covner

Artists: Jennifer S. Lange, Thuan Nguyen, Ludovic Chaban, and Vincent Van Hoof

Year: 2021

Genre: Collection of Call of Cthulhu adventures set in Vietnam

Pages: 228 pages

MSRP: $40.00 for the softcover or $20.00 in PDF at DriveThruRPG

Spooky September continues as I sit down to share my review of Call of Cthulhu: Journal d’Indochine Volume One from Sons of the Singularity. The book is a collection of stand-alone adventures set in Vietnam between the years 1925 and 1955. Are these perfect for one-shot tales set in an area we never see CofC adventure take place? Or does the lack of a campaign structure essentially let these adventures down? You’ll find out!

Jeff McAleer

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    Call of Cthulhu: Journal d’Indochine, Volume One Reviewed

    Call of Cthulhu - Journal d'Indochine Volume One is an excellent collection of stand-alone tales set in Vietnam. I especially love the historical information included about the region during the period of 1925 through 1955. Each adventure is very interesting and unique. There are some minor localization issues but nothing really major. Also, some American and European players might find it a bit of a challenge taking on the roles of non-Westerners. Regardless, a top notch book and highly recommended.

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