Publisher: Troll Lord Games
Authors: Robert Doyel and Stephen Chenault with Davis Chenault, Todd Gray, Mac Golden and Christian Harris
Artists: Peter Bradley, Mark Sandy, Jason Walton, Zoe DeVos, Alyssa Faden, Sarah “Dreamie” Walker, and Vladimiro Rikowski
Genre: Old school styled fantasy roleplaying game bestiary and treasure book
Year: 2019 – 5th printing
Pages: 368 pages
MSRP: $49.99 for the hardcover or $19.99 for the PDF
I share my thoughts about Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure from Troll Lord Games. Is this volume a near essential reference for not only C&C but for many other fantasy RPGs? Or is this a case of been there done that, nothing to see, move along? You’ll find out.
15:33 Final thoughts and review score