Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Authors: Shane Hensley and Matthew Cutter with Tim Beach, Clint Black, John Goff, John R. Hopler, and Jessica Moore
Artists: Aaron J. Riley, Aaron Acevedo, Bruno Balixa, Arthur Bowling, Von Caberte, Matheus Calza, Donald Crank, Dennis Darmody, Sam Denmark, Loic Denoual, James Denton, Martin de Diego Sádaba, Sebastien Ecosse, Alex Elykov, Bartlomiej Fedyczak, Bien Flores, Quintin Gleim, Ross Grams, Konrad Korgull, Irina Kovalova, Dio Mahesa, Wayne Miller, Fedrico Musetti, Christian C. Otazu, Sabrina Pugnale, Aaron J. Riley, Alida Saxon, Martin Sickree, Tiago Silverio, Unique Soparie, Jon Taylor, Joseph Weston
Year: 2022
Genre: Sourcebook for the Deadlands weird western roleplaying game
Pages: 96 pages
MSRP: $24.99 for the hardcover or $9.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG
I share my thoughts about the Weird West Companion for the Deadlands roleplaying game from Pinnacle Entertainment Group. The volume is filled with loads of useful content for players and Marshalls including new archetypes, edges, powers, relics, famous and infamous NPCs, gamemastering tips, and more.
You can check out my review of the Deadlands box set right here.