Publisher: Crowbar Creative and Exalted Funeral
Authors: T. G. Grackle, Brian Saliba, and Zach Theiler
Artists: Max Chow, Christian Pearce, Frank Victoria, Sierra Wang, Doug Williams, Warren Mahy, Penguink, and Steven Unwin
Year: 2023
Genre: Satirical, science fiction setting and sourcebook for 5E
Pages: 334 pages
MSRP: $50.00 for the hardcover (with PDF) or $20.00 for just the PDF
I share my thoughts about the 5E setting and sourcebook Dr. Grordbort’s Scientific Adventure Violence from Crowbar Creative and Exalted Funeral. The book is based on the satirical, science fiction works of Greg Broadmore. The British Empire (and other lesser nations) take to the stars aiming to colonize the other planets – whether they want to be colonized or not.