Title: Dreams and Machines Starter Set
Publisher: Modiphius Entertainment
Authors: Chris Birch, Carrie Harris, Matt Zxodiac, Samantha Webb, Daniel Lade, and Bryce Johnston
Artists: Jens Lindfors, Eren Arik, Nick Greenwood, Olivier Hennart, Louie Maryon, Nathan Porto, and Cloud Quinot
Genre: Rules light, 2d20 science fantasy roleplaying game
Year: 2023
Pages: 224 pages
MSRP: $34.99 for the boxed set or $15.00 for the PDF at DriveThruRPG
I sit down to share my thoughts about the stater set for the new science fantasy roleplaying game Dreams and Machines from Modiphius Entertainment. The starter set seems to be aimed at younger gamers or those with little to no experience with RPGs.