Publisher: Pulp Hummock Press
Authors: Robert Alderman with Chris Cotgrove, The Scrying Dutchman, and Joel Hines
Artists: Ian Baggley, Adam Black, Carlos Castilho, Jacob Fleming, Billy Longino, Peter Pagano, Glynn Seal, Paul Sementilli, Jon Torres, Gary Trow, Terry Vanatta,R ose Willits, and Sam Willits
Year: 2023
Genre: First volume of a fantasy roleplaying mega-adventure trilogy for Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy
Pages: 473 pages
MSRP: $69.99 for the hardcover (with PDF) as a DriveThruRPG POD or $24.99 in PDF alone
I take on the first volume of the Gods of the Forbidden North mega-adventure. The tale is the first of a proposed three volumes and is designed for use with Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy but you can certainly utilized nearly any OSR retroclone and even some NuSR roleplaying games with relative ease. This adventure is also aimed at six to eight player characters beginning at 1st level.
The Kickstarter to bring the second volume to the public has fully funded and runs through March 28th, 2024

Have just backed the kickstarter for volume 2 (and volume 1) on the back of this review, even though it’ll be years before I get to run it (Traveller’s Pirates of Drinax and CoC’s Masks of Nyarlathotep to get through first, and I’m not the only GM in my group).