Title: Grimslingers – The Northern Territory
Publisher: GreenBrier Games
Designer: Stephen Gibson
Artist: Stephen Gibson
Year: 2018
Genre: Expansion to the Grimslingers card game
Players: One to four players
Ages: 14+
Playtime: 15 to 90 minutes
MSRP: $29.95
Today I review The Northern Territory expansion for Grimslingers from GreenBrier Games. Plus the latest news from Z-Man Games, WizKids, Ares Games, Plaid Hat Games, and more.
03:13 News of the day
18:01 What’s coming up on the show this week
20:28 Grimslingers: The Northern Territory reviewed
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Founder/Editor-in-chief of The Gaming Gang website and host of The Gaming Gang Dispatch and other TGG media, Jeff tackles any and all sorts of games but has a special fondness for strategy, conflict sims, and roleplaying games. Plus, he's certainly never at a loss for an opinion...
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