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Hard City RPG from Osprey Games Reviewed on The Gaming Gang Dispatch #930

This time out I review the noir themed roleplaying game Hard City from Osprey Games. The 160 page RPG is available in hardcover for an MSRP of $25.00 or grab the PDF alone at DriveThruRPG for $17.50. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news from Stout Stoat Press, Renegade Game Studios, Modiphius Entertainment, Exalted Funeral, Birdwood Games, Onyx Path Publishing, and more.

13:26 Tabletop gaming news of the day
42:00 Random musings and a brief intermission
56: 26 Reviewing Hard City
1:20:18 Final thoughts and review score
1:29:54 Wrapping up
Hard City (Osprey Games)Game Title: Hard City

Publisher: Osprey Games

Author: Nathan Russell

Artist: Luis F. Sanz

Year: 2022

Genre:  Hard boiled noir roleplaying game

Pages: 160 pages

MSRP: $25.00 in hardcover or $17.50 in PDF at DriveThruRPG

Jeff McAleer

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    Hard City RPG from Osprey Games Reviewed on The Gaming Gang Dispatch #930

    Hard City is a nicely put together rules light RPG centered on recreating the feel of noir films. I can see players and GMs very easily getting started and the presentation is clear and precise. I especially like the tag system for the characters. Granted, the system might be a little lighter than I would use at my table but the game is most certainly worth a buy if you're interested in the genre.

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