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Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy Referee’s Tome | Review and Page-Through

Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy Referee's Tome (Necrotic Gnome)Game Title: Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy Referee’s Tome

Publisher: Necrotic Gnome

Author: Gavin Norman

Artists: John Bingham, Jerry Boucher, Michael Clarke, Thomas Denmark, Pauliina Hannuniemi, Jon Hodgson, David Hoskins, Huargo, Chris Huth, Tom Kilian, Mark Kosobucki, Emma Lazauski, Mark Lyons, Chris Malec, William McAusland, Penny Melgarejo, Peter Mullen, Juan Ochoa, Stefan Poag, Sean Poppe, Spaghetti Quester, Rachel Quinlan, Matthew Ray, Luka Rejec, Peter Saga, Frank Scacalossi, James Shields, Del Teigeler, and Andrew Walter

Year: 2021

Genre: A modern presentation of Basic and Expert boxed sets for Dungeons and Dragons, with the inclusion of much of the RPG goodness from AD&D 1E, focused on the Game Master

Pages: 246 pages

MSRP: $40.00 for the A5 sized hardcover through Exalted Funeral here in the U.S. or $15.00 for the PDF alone at DriveThruRPG

I take on the Referee’s Tome for Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy, from Necrotic Gnome and Exalted Funeral. Is this a fantastic companion to the player’s Tome to bring Advanced Dungeons & Dragons fueled adventure to the Old School Essentials B/X skeleton? Or it this a case of been there, seen that for the umpteenth time? You’re going to find out!

2:06 Diving into the Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy Referee’s Tome
12:19 Final thoughts and review score
17:22 Wrapping up

Jeff McAleer

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    Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy Referee’s Tome | Review and Page-Through

    While I wouldn't recommend Old School Essentials as someone's first RPG they ever buy, anyone with a small bit of knowledge about the hobby can certainly do no wrong picking up the OSE series. This Referee's Tome is overflowing with a monster bestiary, treasure info, magic items, and more. Combine this with the Player's Tome and you have all you need to enjoy decades of adventures published for the world's first fantasy RPG. Obviously this is a game master facing volume and, outside some trying to get a foot up on the monsters and their stats, really isn't something players need add to their collections. I've got to say this hardcover rounds out the OSE trifecta with another ten out of ten!

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