Title: Pathfinder Adventure Path #196 – The Summer That Never Was (Season of Ghosts #1)
Publisher: Paizo Inc
Authors: Sen H.H.S. with James Jacobs
Artists: Rodrigo Gonzalez Toledo, Shafi Adams, Mylene Bertrand, Wilmar Ballespí Escarp, Robert Lazzaretti, Justine Nortjé, and Firat Solhan
Year: 2023
Genre: The first chapter in a new Asian themed, horror adventure path for Pathfinder
Pages: 96 pages
MSRP: $26.99 in softcover or $19.99 in PDF
I sit down to share my review of the first chapter in the Season of Ghosts adventure path for the Pathfinder roleplaying game. The Summer That Never Was is a horror tale set in the Tian Xia region. I’ll warn you there’s a major spoiler for the adventure path in the video.
Founder/Editor-in-chief of The Gaming Gang website and host of The Gaming Gang Dispatch and other TGG media, Jeff tackles any and all sorts of games but has a special fondness for strategy, conflict sims, and roleplaying games. Plus, he's certainly never at a loss for an opinion...
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