Publisher: Paizo Inc
Authors: Liane Merciel with Jeremy Blum, Joshua Kim, and Michelle Kim
Artists: Rodrigo Gonzalez Toledo, Mylene Bertrand, Benton Dinsmore, Chris L. Kimball, Robert Lazzaretti, Justine Nortjé, and Riley Spalding
Year: 2024
Genre: Finale of the Pathfinder Asian themed fantasy/horror roleplaying campaign
Pages: 96 pages
MSRP: Softcover $26.99 or $19.99 in PDF
I share my review of the final chapter to the Season of Ghosts adventure path, To Bloom Below the Web, for the Pathfinder roleplaying game. The adventure wraps the Asian fantasy/horror themed campaign as the village of Willowshore returns to life and the heroes do what they can to ensure its future survival. There’s also plenty of information provided for game masters to continue the tale beyond this conclusion.