Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Authors: Scott Woodard, Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman, Tracy Sizemore, Jameson McDaniel, and Shane Hensley
Artists: Aaron Riley, Bad Moon Studio, Alberto Bontempi, James Denton, Bien Flores, Ani Ghosh, Falk Haensel, Paolo Puggioni, Alida Saxon, Vincenzo Sirianni, Unique Soparie, Carly Sorge, Dimitar Spasov, Oliver Specht, Don Tantiado, and Karl Keesler
Year: 2024
Genre: Modern day, “kids on bikes” styled urban horror roleplaying game
Pages: 240+ pages
MSRP: $124.99 for the boxed set; $39.99 for the hardcover corebook; $19.99 for the PDF at DriveThruRPG
I dive on in to share my thoughts about the Pinebox, TX Middle School Boxed Set, for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, from Pinnacle Entertainment Group. The roleplaying game is set in the same world as the East Texas University RPG. This box set includes the corebook, GM screen, adventure booklet, dice, bennies, archetype cards, bestiary cards, and more.