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Salvage Union Workshop Manual Reviewed

Salvage Union - Workshop Manual (Leyline Press)Game Name: Salvage Union Workshop Manual

Publisher: Leyline Press

Authors: Panayiotis Lines and Aled Lawlor

Artists: Alex Connolly, Hamish Frater, Francesco Silva, and Aled Lawlor

Year: 2024

Genre: Corebook for the rules light, post-apocalyptic mech roleplaying game

Pages: 336 pages

MSRP: Hardcover (with PDF) $58.00 or $28.15 for just the PDF at DriveThruRPG

Science fiction month continues at TGG as I delve into the fast playing, rules light mech roleplaying game Salvage Union. Players take on the roles of mech pilots salvaging from a wasteland in order to survive while looking to stick it to the planet’s corporations and surviving alien invaders. The Workshop Manual contains everything you need to get started including a short introductory adventure.

Be sure to stay tuned because later this month I’ll be sharing reviews of the initial three adventures which have been released for Salvage Union.

Jeff McAleer

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    Salvage Union Workshop Manual Reviewed

    If you're looking for a quick playing, rules light mech game then look no further than Salvage Union. This is a really well put together game with as much focus on the player characters as well as their various mecha. The layout and production quality is excellent and the book will certainly hold up to repeated use at your game table.

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