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Independent TTRPGs at DriveThruRPG

Shards of Infinity (Stone Blade Entertainment/Ultra PRO)Title: Shards of Infinity

Publisher: Stone Blade Entertainment and Ultra PRO Entertainment

Designers: Gary Arant and Justin Gary

Artist: Aaron Nakahara

Year: 2018

Genre: Science fiction deck building game

Players: Two to four players

Ages: 10+

Playtime: Around 30 minutes

MSRP: $20.00

Today I review the deck building game Shards of Infinity from Stone Blade Entertainment and Ultra PRO Entertainment. Plus the latest news from Z-Man Games, Chaosium Inc, Kobold Press, Columbia Games, and more.

00:27 Show opens
03:04 News of the day
19:32 Jeff talks about the reimagining of Lost in Space on Netflix and what’s on the show this week
26:27 Shards of Infinity reviewed

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Jeff McAleer

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