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Swords & Wizardry Complete Box Set (Frog God Games)Title: Swords & Wizardry Complete Box Set

Publisher: Frog God Games

Author: Matthew Finch

Artists: Michael Syrigos,Sid Quade, Ed Bickford, Adrian Landeros, Casey Christofferson, Ala Fedorova, Michael Syrigos, David Day, Terry Pavlet, Brian LeBlanc, Del Teigeler, Quentin Soubrouillard, and Eric Lofgren

Year: 2021

Genre: Collectors edition of the popular OSR retroclone

Pages: 214 pages total

MSRP: $59.99 in softcover or $29.99 in PDF

I sit down to share my thoughts on the Swords & Wizardry Complete Box Set from Frog God Games. The set contains four booklets, dice, a pad of character sheets, and a bookmark for an MSRP of $59.95. Is this an excellent collectors’ edition of the popular OD&D retroclone? Or will you feel like a complete fool if you purchase the Complete Box Set? You’ll find out!

01:30 Taking a look through and discussing the Swords & Wizardry Complete Box Set
23:22 Final thoughts and the review score

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Jeff McAleer

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