Publisher: Kobold Press
Lead Designers: Celeste Conowitch, JB Little, and Sebastian Rombach
Artists: William O’Brien, Felipe Malini, Ian Perks, Roberto Pitturru, Kiki Moch Rizki, Bryan Syme, Egil Thompson, and Eva Widermann
Year: 2023
Genre: Alpha release of a fantasy roleplaying game built on the Creative Commons 5E D&D SRD
Pages: 176 pages
MSRP: $9.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG
I share my thoughts about the alpha release of the Tales of the Valiant roleplaying game from Kobold Press. This fantasy RPG is built on the foundation of the Creative Commons 5E D&D SRD. Kobold Press has an extremely successful Kickstarter to fund a two volume RPG system but I have issues regarding what we’re seeing early on.