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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Tribes & Tribulations Reviewed

Title: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Tribes & Tribulations

Publisher: Cubicle 7 Games

Authors: Dave Allen, Naomi Hunter, Robin Low, Pádraig Murphy, Clive Oldfield, Samuel Poots, and Simon Wileman

Artists: John Blanche, Alessandro Boer, Dave Gallagher, Yugin Maffioli, Sam Manley, JG O’Donoghue, Scott Purdy, Mirko Scattolin, Adrian Smith, and Andrea Underzo

Year: 2024

Genre: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay supplement focused on orcs, goblins and other monster warbands of the Old World

Pages: 112 pages

MSRP: $34.99 for the softcover or $19.99 for the PDF at DriveThruRPG

I share my review of the latest supplement to arrive in print for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Inside Tribes & Tribulations, Game Masters will find a plethora of stat blocks for orcs, goblins, trolls, hobgoblins, ogres, and more as well as plenty of in depth information about their various warbands.



Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Tribes & Tribulations is chock full of content to help bring the greenskins (and other monsters) to life at your game table. I appreciate the sheer amount of gameable content contained within and a break down of various warbands and major NPCs. Some might be disappointed there aren't any character creation options - and I would have liked to have seen a short adventure included - but this still is a must have for GMs looking to bring more focus on the orcs, goblins, snotlings, and other monsters of the Old World in their adventures.


Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Tribes & Tribulations is chock full of content to help bring the greenskins (and other monsters) to life at your game table. I appreciate the sheer amount of gameable content contained within and a break down of various warbands and major NPCs. Some might be disappointed there aren't any character creation options - and I would have liked to have seen a short adventure included - but this still is a must have for GMs looking to bring more focus on the orcs, goblins, snotlings, and other monsters of the Old World in their adventures.
Jeff McAleer

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